Leadership Waypoint Team Analysis and Recommendations (Videos)

The Leadership Way Point Team worked on a plan to restructure our laity, Council, staff and clergy to align to our mission and core values.  You can see a summary of their analysis and recommendations in the three brief videos below.

Moving Leadership Forward at Trinity  Click on the links below to see each video

1. Background and Findings


2. Recommendations for the Laity

3. Recommendations for the Council, Staff, and Clergy


These recommendations have been endorsed by Council and implementation will be underway throughout 2017. Plans and updates will be published in the Weekly as well as here on the website.  Bookmark this page to keep up-to-date on the news!

Members: John Wittenbraker, Teri Lanan, Katie Risser, Joe Howard, Mike Geremia, Carol Connor, Sandy Cottrell, John Han, Danette Griffith