Spirit Led Worship Renewal Moves Trinity Forward: New Worship Times

The Worship Planning Team was formed to follow up on the work of the Worship Waypoint Team to study more deeply how we worship at Trinity.  Their focus was to explore how we can make worship more vibrant and meaningful. The Worship Planning Team included: Andrea Baxter, Paul Lutz, Karen Bergey, John Strobel, Norma Nish, Julie Kinzel, Meg Ehm, Deb Neves, Jeff Billingsley, Craig Dietterick, and Amy Smith.

What did the Worship Planning Team do?

We began meeting in February 2017, to develop a timeline and bring a decision to Trinity disciples for a September start date. In June more than 100 participants attended our forums and told us what feeds them in Worship, Faith Formation, Christian Care and Fellowship. Following this electronic surveys were distributed and 373 of you responded. After analyzing the data, we determined key points and carefully considered the recommendations from the Joshua Group and the 2016 CAT survey. They are:

Re-work worship and music to create inspiring, heartfelt experiences

Make necessary changes to attract families with children and youth

What the team heard!

Thanks to the many disciples who participated in the forums, surveys and individual conversations, we learned you desire…

  • A full sanctuary because this creates Spirit-filled, energizing, and uplifting services
  • A later time for the early service which is important for families with children and youth.
  • Options for children in worship. Some families wish to worship with their children, others prefer worshiping without their children, while some would like an alternative activity for the young children during the sermon

Change is coming in September!

On July 11, Trinity’s Council accepted our proposal for a New Sunday Morning Schedule to begin on Sunday, September 17, 2017.

  • The 5:30 p.m. Saturday servicewill continue to be a spirit-filled, intimate, casual, and relevant service.
  • The 9:00 a.m. Sunday servicewill be a lively experience with upbeat music, present day wording, children’s sermon, biblical storytelling, communion, and musical leadership.
  • The 10:30 a.m. Sunday servicewill be a traditional worship experience with the familiar Lutheran liturgy, children’s sermon, biblical storytelling, communion and choral leadership. There will be no change for the radio broadcast.
  • Faith Formation (Sunday School) at 10:30 a.m.with optional times for learning throughout the morning. (Adults, Small Groups, and 3rd year confirmation)
  • Fellowship opportunities will begin at 10:00 a.m.and extend until noon which will offer time for fellowship and deepening our relationships with each other.

Spirit Led Worship Renewal moves Trinity Forward!

Over the next several months Trinity disciples are invited and encouraged to worship during all of the services, explore faith formation opportunities and participate in extended fellowship hours. Your feedback about how things are going for you and your family is important, and we want to answer your questions about these changes at Trinity. Here are three ways you can be an active participant in these exciting changes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)  to read additional information about how these changes might affect you. If you have a question, please send your question to TLC@pzw.ff6.myftpupload.com.

Worship Renewal is a process and takes careful planning, prayer, and time. New and exciting ways for you to participate in worship will be introduced and together, we’ll live into our new schedule. A part of learning together is evaluating together. After Easter, watch for forum opportunities that will provide a time for us to discuss what is working well and what could work better.

Pray for Trinity Moving Forward. Take time each day to pray for our worship renewal team, staff, and clergy. Ask for the Spirit to guide each and every one of us as we move forward together.

Let’s celebrate together!

God is calling us to embrace diversity and connect all generations in a spirit-filled celebration on Sunday, September 17, 2017. Be sure to look for more information in Trinity Weekly, the fall issue of Lansdale Lutheran available in late August, or at www.trinitylansdale.com.

Looking forward to seeing you there – so mark your calendars today!